“Angelina Jolie’s Joyful Wait for Her Kids at Karate Class”

ANGELINA JOLIE Watches Her Kids Karate Class in Los Angeles 11/19/2018

Have you seen the latest pictures of Angelina Jolie? She was spotted yesterday attending her kids’ karate class and sitting patiently among the other parents. It got me thinking, if you were in the same situation and had a child enrolled in karate with one of Angelina’s kids, would you go over and sit with her? And if so, what would you say? Personally, I have never done it before and wouldn’t know where to start. Maybe complimenting the other person’s child would be a good icebreaker? What do you think?

Angelina was seen passing her time by reading a magazine, which seems like an old-school thing for parents to do in today’s digital age. It would be more common for parents to use their phones to text, browse or check Instagram. I couldn’t make out the cover of the magazine she was reading, but it definitely wasn’t a celebrity tabloid. It could have been something she picked up and started reading or maybe she was well-organized and packed some reading material from home in her tote before leaving. Personally, I always carry a book with me, as it’s a great way to avoid talking to people. I used to take a book to my son’s hockey games, and pretty soon he knew not to ask me if I saw his assist or goal. I wonder if it’s the same for kids? Are you a bad parent if you miss seeing one of your kid’s key moves? Do other parents judge you if you’re not paying attention?

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