“Tiny Kittens Rescued at 6 Weeks Old with Health Troubles: A Heartwarming Journey of Recovery”

Unfortunately, not all rescued animals are healthy and adorable like baby kittens. This particular trio, for instance, is a clear representation of misery. Despite being six weeks old, they only weigh as much as a three-and-a-half-week-old kitten would. Additionally, they suffer from severe eye and upper respiratory infections. Initially, they were brought to a local shelter and put on the euthanasia list. Luckily, a veterinarian I work with saved them and brought them to me. These babies will receive the care they need and find loving foster homes. However, such a situation could have easily been avoided if we spayed and neutered our pets and community cats. While I don’t like getting on my soapbox, these little ones make me so sad. At first, there were four kittens, but one did not survive. If you’re interested in helping out, I have an Amazon wishlist. Alternatively, you can sign up to be a foster at your local shelter. Anyone can do it.



I woke up feeling relieved today. The kittens are making sounds and eating by themselves, though they still need some formula. They’re also starting to take an interest in playing. It looks like they’re on the road to recovery! Thanks for all the good thoughts and wishes. Right now, what we really need is more formula, kitten food, and litter. I’m hoping that by tomorrow they will be even more improved. I haven’t named them yet, and I haven’t had the chance to determine their genders because my priority has been their health.


The tiniest one seems to be doing much better now and is showing signs of improvement. It seems to prefer drinking formula over eating canned food at the moment. I just noticed that one of its eyes is open now! The other two kittens are happily munching on their canned food and playing around. By the way, I have a feeling that all three of them are male!

I’m feeling great today as the little ones are doing well. Their eyes are less puffy, and there’s less discharge. Two of them are eating solid food quite well, but the third one still prefers to stick to formula. I’m satisfied with their progress so far. Although the smallest one’s weight keeps fluctuating, we’re seeing some improvement. I’m grateful to all who contributed to their needs, especially the canned food, formula, and warming devices.


Wow, check out those eyes! Although they’re not in the best shape, they’ve definitely improved since last week. The kittens are becoming more lively and playful. I created an Amazon wishlist with some kitten toys on it, so if you would like to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated. A big thank you to everyone who has already helped by donating food, litter, cleaning supplies, and formula.



Due to the ringworm infection in my house, I have decided not to share toys with the trio. After my other foster pets are adopted, I plan to disinfect what I can and dispose of any contaminated items. The names of the foster pets were given by the previous owner, and I will update their identities tomorrow. Tigger, my foster brother, is doing an excellent job of taking care of Minx’s kittens. He loves cuddling with them and this morning I found him lying on top of one of them in his favorite bed.



We’re concerned about Riley, one of the three kittens we rescued. Sadly, his health is deteriorating and we’re taking him to the emergency room for overnight care. He’s running a fever and not eating much. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.


Update on Riley: Don’t forget to watch the video until the end! Riley is currently being cared for in the ICU and unfortunately, he is not feeling his best. He has a fever and is not eating enough, so he has to be force-fed kitten formula. However, the good news is that he is receiving round-the-clock care, including IV fluids, antibiotics, and eye medication. Moreover, there seems to be some improvement as Riley ate when his foster parents visited him this evening. As you can see from the heartwarming video, he even cuddled with them before eventually falling asleep. We’re so grateful for this amazing foster family who is taking such good care of him! Please continue to keep Riley in your thoughts and prayers.

Exciting news, Riley is finally returning home tonight! The little guy has shown some improvement as he is no longer resisting feedings and appears to be in high spirits. I received a lovely image of him from his veterinary assistant.


We are beyond thankful for your contributions to our cause. Thanks to your support, Riley, Ramsey, and Rebel are making great progress every day. Just so you know, Riley is situated in the lower left corner, Ramsey is located at the top, and Rebel is situated in the lower right corner of the picture. Once again, we appreciate your kindness and generosity from the bottom of our hearts.


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